Police Officer Joseph Strehl, son of Detective Stephen Strehl, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department/ Drug Enforcement Administration, EOW 11/19/1993, shares why he become a BackStopper.
“While numerous fundraisers and events have a huge impact on the BackStoppers, becoming a member of this organization will have a lasting effect on anyone who wishes support for the families of those who have given their lives in the line of duty. Speaking as a family member who has received aid from the BackStoppers for over 23 years, I can tell you that I am humbled every time someone comes up to me and says that they are a BackStopper. Especially if I walk into a restaurant and see a BackStoppers sticker on their front door, I can’t tell you the feeling I get when I see that a business supports families of first responders. I became a member 2 years ago to give back to this organization that has given so much to my family. By becoming a BackStopper, know that you will always be a part of these families for life.”
We’re excited to announce the 2017 Fall Member Drive! Join or renew during the month of October, and receive new benefits while helping families of fallen heroes. Last year, we provided $3 million in assistance to families of fallen heroes. Now is the time to join. Help ease the suffering of families of the fallen, and become a BackStopper today.