Spreading Awareness Beyond St. Louis
Because the region served by BackStoppers extends beyond St. Louis, we rely on groups of supporters who raise awareness in the outlying counties of our coverage area. These Outlying County Supporter Groups are made up of dedicated volunteers whose hard work raises funds that we use to assist all of the families we support, regardless of the county in which they reside. The Outlying County Supporter Groups are integral to the growth of our cause. Read more about each Group below and visit our event calendar to see when these exciting events are being held in a county near you.
Missouri Counties
Crawford County, Missouri
Watch for a Spotlight Supporter feature on Crawford County in an upcoming bi-annual printed newsletter!
Franklin County, Missouri
With a population of around 100,000, Franklin County is a special group of BackStoppers supporters who gather all available resources to create a staggering amount of support for our mission. For over a decade the Franklin County BackStoppers has met a need in reaching the people of Franklin County about our mission of serving families of fallen heroes. Read more here.

Gasconade County, Missouri
Watch for a Spotlight Supporter feature on Gasconade County in an upcoming bi-annual printed newsletter!
Jefferson County, Missouri
Perhaps one of the most ambitious BackStoppers Outlying County Supporter Groups is Jefferson County, also known as BSOJC. Since 2009, BSOJC has hosted and aided many fundraising events benefiting BackStoppers. The group’s dedication combined with the fervent backing for the first responder community from the residents of Jefferson County makes a duo that brings an incredible amount of support to our mission. Click here to read more.

Montgomery County, Missouri
Watch for a Spotlight Supporter feature on Montgomery County in an upcoming bi-annual printed newsletter!
Perry County, Missouri
Watch for a Spotlight Supporter feature on Perry County in an upcoming bi-annual printed newsletter!

Phelps County, Missouri
Watch for a Spotlight Supporter feature on Colhoun County in an upcoming bi-annual printed newsletter!
St. Charles County, Missouri
Watch for a Spotlight Supporter feature on St. Charles County in an upcoming bi-annual printed newsletter!
St. Francois County, Missouri
The St. Francois community prides itself on showing appreciation for first responders. The greatest way the citizens give back to public servants is by attending events organized by the St. Francois County BackStoppers. These popular events are cherished by citizens and first responders alike and create a solid show of support for the mission of BackStoppers. Click Here to Read More.

Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri
The Annual Golf Tournament held in Ste. Genevieve County has raised over $175,000 for BackStoppers since the first tournament fourteen years ago. Major Jason Schott and Firefighter/Paramedic Eric Coleman lead the way in generating support within the Ste. Genevieve community. Major Schott talks about founding the Ste. Genevieve BackStoppers Supporter Group, “I contacted Eric and we immediately started to think of ways to help raise money. We decided a golf tournament would be a great event to showcase our emergency services and help raise money for BackStoppers.” Click here to read more.

Warren County, Missouri
Eight years ago, a dedicated group of individuals from Warren County decided to make a difference. The mission of BackStoppers hit close to home for Warren County when Officer Vernon Seals, EOW 10/6/02, was killed in the line of duty. Tragically, since then two more Warren County first responders made the ultimate sacrifice: Deputy Sheriff Lonnie Cole, EOW 10/2/03, and Chief Paul Fricke, EOW 8/27/10. Community leaders, first responders and civilians residing in Warren County felt moved to support the work of BackStoppers and came together to form Warren County BackStoppers. Click Here to Read More.

Washington County, Missouri
Washington County is one of the southern-most counties in the BackStoppers coverage area. A rural county with a large land mass and small population, first responder departments are often faced with having to cover a lot of ground and relying on aid from other area departments. Residents of Washington County show their gratitude for their first responders by supporting the Washington County BackStoppers. Click here to read more.

Illinois Counties
Calhoun County, Illinois
Watch for a Spotlight Supporter feature on Calhoun County in an upcoming bi-annual printed newsletter!
Jersey County, Illinois
Watch for a Spotlight Supporter feature on Jersey County in an upcoming bi-annual printed newsletter!
Madison County, Illinois
Watch for a Spotlight Supporter feature on Madison County in an upcoming bi-annual printed newsletter!
Monroe County, Illinois
Fifteen years ago, Monroe County was added to the BackStoppers coverage area. Deputy Larry Gardner and Deputy Sgt. Dan Hannon of the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department led the way for Monroe County BackStoppers by encouraging the community to support the mission of BackStoppers. Advisory Board member and Family Friend Deputy Larry Gardner reflects on the early stages of Monroe County BackStoppers, “We had huge support from local politicians, police and fire chiefs, the Sheriff and the general public. We knew Monroe County could generate the support we needed to become BackStoppers. Monroe County is supportive of all its law enforcement and emergency services”. Click here to read more.

Perry County, Illinois
We recently expanded our coverage area into 10 new counties, including Perry County, Illinois. Perry County residents Capt. (Ret.) Dave and Christine Houston immediately engaged and formed the BackStoppers of Perry County, Illinois Outlying County Supporter Group. BackStoppers Outlying County Supporter Groups consist of dedicated committees that work to spread awareness and raise funds beyond the St. Louis area. These groups are a vital part of our organization, and we are thrilled to receive support from our friends in Perry County, Illinois. Click here to read more.

Randolph County, Illinois
Watch for a Spotlight Supporter feature on Randolph County in an upcoming bi-annual printed newsletter!
Washington County, Illinois
Watch for a Spotlight Supporter feature on Washington County in an upcoming bi-annual printed newsletter!
Donations support all families assisted by BackStoppers.