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Fundraiser in Honor of Firefighter Benjamin Polson

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The Fundraiser in Honor and Celebration of Firefighter Benjamin Polson benefiting BackStoppers presented by the Ellisville Elks will be held on Saturday, March 26th.

• 1pm to 12am
• Live Music: The Benefit Blues Band, The Mercurys, Third Phase, Bill and Keith’s Excellent Bandventure
• Food: Brats & hotdogs available for purchase all day. Dinner provided by Mr. Pink BBQ. Beer, wine, soda & water available for purchase.
• More Entertainment: Fredbird and Louie onsite. Antique fire truck show with the Gateway Fire Historical Society. Exotic car show by ND4SPD Car Club. Bonfire at dusk.
• Silent & live auction. 50/50 Raffle & more!
• Inquires Contact: Diane at (636) 227-0404
View flyer 

The BackStoppers is solely a recipient of the proceeds and not an organizer of the event.