Officer Grant Jansen was killed in the line of duty in a single vehicle crash with his K9 partner who was not harmed. Officer Jansen was a 20-year law enforcement veteran. He left behind his expectant wife and son and daughter.
His wife, Annette, shares her family’s journey since the tragic day.

“I first became part of the Backstoppers family when my husband was killed in the line of duty on September 10, 2008. I had a 6-year old boy who was diagnosed with Autism, a 4 year old girl, and I was 6 weeks pregnant. Within just a few days, Backstoppers was there to support my family and relieve of us of immediate financial concerns. It’s been 11 years, and they have never left our side. My children are now 17, 15, and 10.
Being that my eldest son is on the Autism Spectrum, Intellectually disabled, and has suffered quite a few medical issues, we have had large medical bills for all his therapies and medications. Backstoppers has not only provided my family with health insurance, but they have paid for all of the services, medical interventions, and medications my son has needed through the years. It has not been an easy road, but Backstoppers has made our lives a lot less complicated than it would have been on my own. My son, Tyler Jansen is graduating this year from Liberty High School in the Wentzville School District. He has worked very hard to get to this point. He was recently accepted to the UMSL SUCCEED Program, which is one of the few college programs in the country for special need teenagers.

Once again, Backstoppers is financially helping to make this opportunity a reality for my son!!! I do not even know how to possibly thank Backstoppers, and the St. Louis community for their contributions in helping my family. I know my husband, Grant Jansen is not only proud of his first born, but proud of all the support given to us, as without Backstoppers this dream of Tyler going to college would not have been a possibility. Thank you from the Jansen family. ”
It is an honor to serve the family of Officer Grant Jensen. We will never forget his sacrifice for our safety, and we will continue to honor his life and memory. Help us provide life-changing assistance to the survivors left behind. Donate today.