The Northwest St. Clair County Fire Protection District presents the 5th Annual Desire & Courage 5k for BackStoppers Run/Walk on Saturday, July 27th beginning at 8am at Belleville West High School!
•Race Day Registration: 6:45am-7:45am
•Early Packet Pickup: July 25th, 4pm to 7pm at Northwest Station #2
•Top 3 Male/Female Finishers will Receive a Trophy
•Performance Short Sleeve Shirt Guaranteed if Registered by 7/10
•Timing: Toolen’s Running Start
•Forms and Sponsorship Information: Toolen’s or
•For Inquiries Contact: Mark Goerger at (618) 233-0235 or
The BackStoppers is solely a recipient of the proceeds and not an organizer of the event.