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Glendale Firehouse Run

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The 40th Annual Glendale Firehouse Run benefiting Kirkwood Area Perpetual Scholarships, Kiwanis Youth Programs, BackStoppers and Responder Rescue Inc. on Sunday, October 27th!

• Beginning Times: 8am: One Mile Walk/Run
8:25am 2.2 Miles & 8:30am 5 Miles
•Location: Glendale City Hall (424 N. Sappington)
•Parking: North Glendale School (765 N. Sappington)
•Registration Fee: $25 for Individual, $60 for Family of 3 ($15 for Additional Member) $30 for Day of Race (7-8am)
Register Online
•Register by October 27th
•Race Packet Pickup: Glendale City Hall beginning 10/21 till Race Day
•T-Shirts & Awards
•Costumes, Strollers and Pets Welcomed
•Snacks, Awards and Attendance Prizes Following Run


The BackStoppers is solely a recipient of the proceeds and not an organizer of the event.