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BackStoppers of Randolph County Sporting Clay Shoot

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This event has been rescheduled to Saturday, October 26th. Refunds will be issued to those who cannot attend the rescheduled date. If you would like to register for the rescheduled date please contact Logan Barbour at (618) 317-2738.


The BackStoppers of Randolph County, IL Sporting Clay Shoot will be held on Saturday, October 26th at World Shooting Complex.

• 8am Registration, 9am Flight
• Six Person Squads- Includes Breakfast, Lunch & Beverages and Awards
• Early Bird- $80 Per Person or $425 for Squad Before 9/9
• To Register Contact- Logan at (618) 317-2738
• For Sponsorship Contact- Abbey at (618) 443-8259
View Flyer

The BackStoppers, Inc. is solely a recipient of the proceeds and not an organizer of the event.