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*Sold Out* 3rd Annual Bowling for BackStoppers

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The 3rd Annual Bowling for BackStoppers presented by the BackStoppers of Jefferson County will be held on Friday, April 1st at Quonset Lanes.

• Bowling starts at 7pm
• $25 per person (Includes: bowling & shoes)
• Raffle baskets, 50/50 & special prizes
• Concessions available for purchase
• Tickets or sponsor opportunities: Contact Doug Reuther at or Tim Whitney at
View Flyer

Because the region served by BackStoppers extends beyond St. Louis, we rely on groups of supporters who raise awareness in the outlying counties of our coverage area. These Outlying County Supporter Groups are made up of dedicated volunteers whose hard work raises funds that we use to assist all of the families we support, regardless of the county in which they reside. The Outlying County Supporter Groups are integral to the growth of our cause.