Another extraordinary year for Budweiser Guns ‘N Hoses is in the books! Today Budweiser Guns ‘N Hoses presented $900,000 to BackStoppers! Since 1987, Budweiser Guns ‘N Hoses has raised $8 million for our mission of serving families of fallen heroes. Support in these great bounds is not possible without the dedication of everyone involved with Guns ‘N Hoses including the community that packs the Enterprise Center every Thanksgiving Eve.

Guns ‘N Hoses and the St. Louis community continue to exceed our expectations. The incredible success of the 2019 Budweiser Guns ‘N Hoses ensures the families of fallen and catastrophically injured first responders will be well taken care of for years to come. On behalf of the BackStoppers Board of Directors and the families we serve, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. This support would not be possible without David Stokes, Steve Holley, Jack Martorelli, the entire Budweiser Guns ‘N Hoses committee, first responder participants, coaches, staff, many volunteers, and generous sponsors. Each and every one of you makes a difference in the lives of the families we assist. Budweiser Guns ‘N Hoses is a driving force behind our mission. Guns ‘N Hoses engages the St. Louis community, raises awareness of our cause, and enables us to provide immediate and ongoing support to the now 80 families with 70 children we assist. Words cannot express how grateful we are for this partnership, this support of our mission, and all police, fire, and EMS personnel in our region. I am honored to accept this record-breaking donation on behalf of the BackStoppers Board of Directors, the over 170 families we have assisted since 1959, our 3,000 members, and many supporters. BackStoppers and Budweiser Guns ‘N Hoses dedicate a combined 90 plus years to assisting families of fallen and catastrophically injured first responders. Together and with your support, we will continue this mission for many years to come. Thank you!
–BackStoppers Executive Director, Chief Ron Battelle