Sgt. Jesse L. Murphy, Jr. and his wife, Avis G. Murphy dedicated their lives to public service. Sgt. Murphy served with the Missouri State Highway Patrol for 33 years, and Avis served 25 years as the supervisor of the Troop C record room. They both retired on July 1, 1981.
Along with his first responder career, Sgt. Murphy was also a veteran and a part of many distinguished groups including the Masonic Order Blue Lodge. He was also recognized multiple times for acts of heroism throughout his career.
Sgt. Murphy and Avis’ son, Richard W. “Murph” Murphy and late wife, Leslie L. Murphy, wanted to honor their legacy of service by generously giving to BackStoppers now and through a legacy gift. Murph explains what these gifts in honor of his parents mean to him, “My wife, Leslie, and I felt very blessed to have had my parents in our lives until their natural deaths following retirement. Both my parents devoted their working lives to the Patrol by trying to help safeguard their fellow men and women, citizens of Missouri and beyond our borders. Following retirement my father was shot during an attempted armed robbery in a rest stop on an interstate highway. He was blessed that night and survived his injury. Had that happened while on active duty and the result had been more traumatic or even loss of his life, the family lives of us survivors would have been devastated. Leslie and I have never forgotten the thought of being able to help those families of our sometimes unsung heroes who give their lives in the line of duty while helping others.
So now is the time we would like to begin helping those families that were left behind by heroes doing the often hazardous jobs they do. Thank you, BackStoppers, for what you do and for allowing Leslie and I to contribute to your success.”
The story of Sgt. Jesse Murphy and Avis Murphy is very moving. Through the Murphy’s selfless legacy gift, Sgt. and Mrs. Murphy’s memory and years of service live on. Thank you, Murph and Leslie, for your generosity and care.
Dedicating a legacy gift when planning your estate is a meaningful way to make a lasting mark on our mission. Speak with your attorney or estate planning professional about making an estate bequest to BackStoppers today.