Team BackStoppers is ready for RAGBRAI XLIV!
The Team leaves today for Iowa where they will ride 420 miles across the state in one week on this year’s RAGBRAI course, raising awareness and funds for BackStoppers.
Team BackStoppers member Bob Stuckey stopped in our office last week and let us know everyone is ready and excited, and that the heat shouldn’t be too bad this year. If you can believe the extended forecast, that is.
Team BackStoppers, founded in 2013, is a group of cyclists of all skill levels. These ambassadors on bikes don BackStoppers jerseys for their annual trip to RAGBRAI and while logging miles in Missouri and Illinois all year long. Funds raised by the Team benefit The BackStoppers Education Fund.
Good luck Team BackStoppers! We know you’ll have a very challenging, rewarding, and successful week all while having a lot of fun. Thank you for everything you do for The BackStoppers!
If you would like to help support Team BackStoppers on RAGBRAI XLIV, make a donation today and include “Team BackStoppers” in the comments.