On a hot Saturday in early September, 5-year old Griffin put on his police officer uniform, loaded up his patrol car, and set out for Frontier Park with 2-year old brother, Levi. Together the boys spent the day selling ice cream to raise funds for BackStoppers. Their hard work paid off. By the end of the day, they had raised a total $401.oo for the families of fallen heroes!
Griffin and Levi visited our office to present Executive Director Chief Ron Battelle and St. Charles Police Chief Randy McKindley with their donation. They dressed for the occasion in their police officer and firefighter uniforms. When Chief McKinley asked the boys who came up with the idea for the fundraiser, Griffin said it had been his idea. He had come up with the idea on his own and, with Levi, had a lot of fun selling ice cream in the park.

Griffin and Levi present a check for $401.00 to St. Charles Police Chief Randy McKinley and The BackStoppers Executive Director Chief Ron Battelle
Thank you Griffin and Levi for your hard work raising funds for the families of the fallen! Thank you to Griffin and Levi’s family and everyone who supported their fundraiser. We are very grateful for this support of our mission that helps us to continue our cause.