The first responder community has faced many challenges and dangers this season. Serving and protecting our community remains top priority and comes with daily sacrifices and risks. We are grateful to the EMS workers, law enforcement officers and firefighters who have given up valuable time with family and friends and traded it for long, draining hours and additional shifts.
We were honored to assist the family of Capt. (Ret.) David Dorn, who made the ultimate sacrifice during unrest in the city of St. Louis on June 2, 2020. We will always honor Capt. (Ret.) Dorn and will never forget his dedication to the safety of the St. Louis community.
We were also honored to support two St. Louis Metropolitan Police officers who were in critical condition in the ICU due to COVID-19, a new danger faced by first responders. Our respect goes out to the public servants on the front lines of this pandemic.
BackStoppers, like many organizations, has endured a great impact with many essential fundraising events canceled this season. We are proud and grateful to our supporters that continue to donate and keep our mission of serving families of fallen heroes active.
Today and every day we are in admiration of public servants who dedicate their lives to keeping our community safe. It is my hope that in this hour and beyond, our first responders, families we assist, and supporters stay safe.
–Chief Ron Battelle, Executive Director