President and CEO of Edwin-Claude, Inc. Paul Abrams presents a $10,000 donation for the Education Fund from the ECI First Responder Membership Challenge to BackStoppers Board Member Chief (Ret.) Jerry Lee, Executive Director Chief (Ret.) Ron Battelle, and President Mike Shanahan, Jr.
In May of last year, we announced that Mr. Paul Abrams, President and CEO of Edwin-Claude, Inc. had issued a challenge: add 200 new first responder members in 2015, and ECI would donate $10,000 to The BackStoppers Education Fund. We’re happy to announce first responders stepped up to the challenge and exceeded our goal. In 2015, we added over 230 new first responder members!
The BackStoppers would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who made this possible. Thank you to each and every first responder who became a member last year. Thank you everyone who helped us spread the word about the Challenge. Thank you Edwin-Claude, Inc. and Paul Abrams for your great support of our mission and the Education Fund, and for your work to increase awareness of The BackStoppers in our coverage area.
This wonderful support helps us to continue our mission, and we are very grateful.
Read about the BackStoppers Education Fund.