A BackStoppers Family Friend is a special person appointed to connect with the families we serve. Family Friends ensure each family’s needs are met and provide emotional support. We have an outstanding group of Family Friends that have stepped up and have led with love and care. Sgt. (Ret.) Byron Watson or “Sarge”, as many know him, is one of our longest serving Family Friends. His care and commitment to the families we serve is something to be admired.

Sarge became a Family Friend over 25 years ago, and he still recalls his first encounters with BackStoppers. “I became a Family Friend in January of 1997 after the tragic line-of-duty death of St. Louis County Police Detective Willie Neal, Jr. when I was assigned as Department Liaison to his family. I had heard of the BackStoppers; however, I was not sure exactly what they provided for survivors. I will never forget how comforting the BackStoppers representatives were to the Neals. They provided Det. Neal’s wife with a significant check to help with the immediate needs and told her to gather all outstanding bills. They took the bills and made the family debt free, and then began providing ongoing assistance. It was like the weight of the world had been lifted off her shoulders. At that moment, I knew I wanted to be a part of this organization.”
Since 1997, Sarge has served numerous BackStoppers families. He makes it a point to let the families know that he is not only there to help with ensuring financial needs are met, but that he is also there to provide care and comfort as if they were his own family. “I learned that in the beginning the family looks at you as a family friend, however soon you become family. They look to you to navigate them through the grieving process. You are there through the good times and the bad times. You are more than a friend, you become family.” Family Friends go above and beyond to make sure that the families know that they are not alone.

Attending graduations, weddings and other special family events are a normal occurrence for Family Friends. They get the honor of representing our mission and standing by our vow to support families both today and in the years to come. “The moments that I hold close are being there when the family is grieving and then seeing them being able to smile again. Watching the heroes’ children grow up and graduate from college. One especially poignant moment came when one of the children said, ‘Sarge, I don’t know where we would be without BackStoppers’.”
Our organization is blessed to have loving and caring Family Friends such as Sarge. Family Friends have a very important role as they form a relationship with families that is established in trust and compassion. They are the hands and feet of our organization, and we could not carry out our mission without them.
“I appreciate Sarge so much and all his support and encouragement over the years. He has been more like my family and a big brother. He has always been available to me and my children anytime I needed him, whether it be day or night, and for that I am eternally grateful and thankful.”– Cheryl Branson, Surviving Spouse of Officer James Branson, Jr., EOW 3/9/03

“What is a friend? Throughout life we come across many people who claim the title but very few deserve it and even fewer truly earn the title. I’ve been lucky enough to have a true friend.
A man of integrity, compassion, and selflessness, someone who cares about you and your wellbeing in every aspect physically, emotionally as well as spiritually, a friend that wears many hats for many different people. He’s a spiritual leader, husband, father. A man who takes service and answering the call of duty to a limit very few are willing to go for little to no personal gain. A man who has proudly served his country, city and community.
A man that when you’re at your lowest you can call and be greeted not as a burden, not as a lost cause, not as a headache, but only as a friend. I’m forever thankful that Byron “Sarge” Watson is and always will be my friend.” – LaVera Fowler, Surviving Spouse of Det. Sgt. Charles James, EOW 1/9/83