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Guns ‘N Hoses Drive-Thru BBQ

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The Guns ‘N Hoses Drive-Thru BBQ presented by the Guns ‘N Hoses Young Professionals will be held on Saturday, October 9th at Dave Mungenast St. Louis Honda.

• 11am to 7pm (11am to 12pm Advanced Pick Up & 12pm to 7pm Open to Public)
• $10 for Pork Steak Meal (12 oz. Pork Steak, BBQ Sauce, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Texas Style Bread)
• $8 Hamburger Meal (Quarter Pound Hamburger, BBQ Sauce, Potato Salad, Baked Beans)
• $10 Chicken Breast Meal ( 6oz. Chicken Breast, BBQ Sauce, Potato Salad, Baked Beans)
• Checks Made to Budweiser Guns ‘N Hoses
• Inquires Contact Shan Herwig at or (314) 306-7266 or John Sinclair at

The proceeds benefit Budweiser Guns ‘N Hoses which benefits BackStoppers.