This event has been rescheduled to Saturday, September 19th.
The Meramec – Arnold Elks Lodge #2372 presents Black Light Bash Bingo benefiting BackStoppers on Saturday, March 21st beginning at 7pm.
•Doors Open at 5pm, Bingo Starts at 7pm
•$30 Early Bird Voucher, $40 at the Door
•50/50, Raffles and Basket Auction
•Kitchen and Bar Open
•Spaghetti Dinner and Soda Included
•Inquires and Early Registration Contact: Hal Bosler at (314) 852-7446, Cindy Blase at (314) 486-7878 or The Elks Lodge at (636) 464-8960
The BackStoppers is solely a recipient of the proceeds and not an organizer of the event.