Join us for the 2nd Annual Mike Venker Memorial Charity Golf Tournament on August 26th at Columbia Golf Club in Columbia, Illinois, Shotgun start at 7:30am.
Entry fee is $400 per team and $100 per man. This will include: Golf, BBQ, Beverages, Bag of Goodies with a T-Shirt, Attendance prizes, Silent Auction and more!
On November 23rd, 2015 Detective Mike Venker passed away having succumbed to Cardiomyopathy Disease, an illness which he had struggled with for the past 12 years. At the time of Mike’s death he was just 62 years old. Proceeds will be donated in honor of Mike to The BackStoppers.
Send remittance to Larry Tinnel at 4667 Villa Knoll, St. Louis, MO 63128 or call at (314)-565-7411
See Flyer Here
The BackStoppers is solely a recipient of the proceeds and not an organizer of the event.