February is BackStopper Month at the OG Hospitality Group‘s family of restaurants. All month long, patrons dining at all The Corner Pub & Grill, The Tavern Kitchen & Bar, and The Shack Breakfast & Lunch locations may purchase BackStopper Bucks to support families of fallen heroes. This year’s BackStopper Month was the biggest yet, raising an incredible $120,000. The total exceeded last year’s $80,000 thanks to a very dedicated staff and very generous donors. In the seven year history of this great tradition, over $750,000 has been raised.
The BackStoppers Executive Director, Chief Ron Battelle, had the opportunity to thank several members of the staff this morning. “You have our eternal gratitude,” he said to the crowd of OG Hospitality owners, staff, and first responders seated at The Corner Pub & Grill. He explained the funds raised over the last seven years have put several individuals through college, paid medical bills, and more. “We couldn’t do what we do without you. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.” Co-owner Brant Baldanza addressed the room, thanking everyone who worked so hard to reach and exceed their goal.
After a delicious hot breakfast buffet was enjoyed, the group stepped out into the cold to take part in the check presentation flanked by first responder vehicles.
The OG Hospitality Group family showed their commitment to our mission and our area’s first responders. We are very grateful for everyone who sold and purchased BackStopper Bucks in the month of February, and during each BackStopper Month over the years. Thank you to everyone involved for your tremendous support!

The OG Hospitality Group presents The BackStoppers with a check for $120,000, the total proceeds from BackStopper Month