Amy Marxkors of KMOX’s The Charlie Brennan Show with Amy Marxkors decided to showcase her dedication to our mission by running over 45 miles in six hours! Her efforts were met with an amazing amount of support which totaled over $65,000 for BackStoppers. She shares what motivated her to take on this challenge.
“When we first reported on the loss of Officer Tamarris Bohannon, I couldn’t stop thinking about his sacrifice and the sacrifice his wife and children had made. I never want to take for granted the risks our police officers, firefighters and paramedics take every day. I wanted to do something to help.”

An avid runner, Amy was prepared for a long and tedious run. Still she shares how this run became her greatest feat. “I wasn’t quite sure what to expect during the run. I have never run that far or long before. I was hoping to run between 40-45 miles, and I was so happy to finish with 45.41 miles. I started to feel the miles a bit between miles 30 and 38, but I got a second wind and miles 39-45 ended up being my strongest. It was a beautiful day, and I had an incredible support crew that rotated in and out running and biking alongside me. I could not have done it without them.”
Between her rally of support, hearing her donation progress and the company at her finish line, Amy was fueled with motivation as she conquered those six hours. “I was overwhelmed by the support of the community. Every time I ran by my aid station, my support crew would yell out the updated fundraising total. The number kept jumping by thousands of dollars. I was quite literally in awe. I felt a surge of energy with every update. I don’t think I could have had a better motivator than the knowledge that the entire community was stepping up to support our first responders. I was so honored to see Chief Ron Battelle and Chief Dennis Jenkerson at the finish line, and it was such an honor to run for BackStoppers!”
Our mission is made possible because of people like Amy who decide to make a difference. We are grateful to Amy for taking on this incredible challenge all in the spirit of giving back to first responders.